《活動》2022.9.29 費城寇帝斯音樂院小提琴教授-Benjamin Beilman小提琴大師班


Critical Acclaim
“In an entertaining and informative pre-concert interview, conductor Giordano Bellincampi mentioned that, despite his extreme youth, it felt as though Benjamin Beilman had been playing the Tchaikowsky Concerto for 40 years. Beilman’s performance was, in truth, a remarkable performance. Virtuosic and profoundly musical, the violinist gave us a wondrously new take on an old favourite. He had a fluidity of phrasing that at times astounded as he stretched musical lines to the limits and then stretched them some more. A highlight, for me, was the solo violin’s first entry in the slow movement. He created an extraordinary, ethereal tone quality that I have never before heard in this passage, and over 1,000 people seemed to collectively hold their breath so as not to disturb the magic. The outer movements were similarly accomplished; Beilman executed every technical challenge with aplomb and apparent ease, despite tempi that seemed at times to verge on the impossible. The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra accompanied sensitively, although seeming occasionally to be caught by surprise by some of the more unusual quirks of interpretation. This was an unforgettable Tchaikovsky Concerto, and the instant and unanimous standing ovation at its conclusion was richly deserved.” Limelight



地點:輔仁大學藝術學院二樓 懷仁廳

1. Eugène Ysaÿe : Sonata No. 2 for Solo Violin, Op. 27, I. Prelude, “Obsession”
2. Erich Wolfgang Korngold : Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35, I. Moderato nobile
3. Henri Vieuxtemps : Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Minor, Op. 37 Mov. I